1911 1911-A1
Pistolsmithing Tools |
Extractor Tension Gauge Set
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Extractor Tension Gauges- Helps you properly tune the extractor on your
favorite semi-auto and eliminate extractor and feeding problems before
they start. Machined brass gauges substitute for a case rim. Insert the
gauge between the extractor and the breech face and measure the
resistance required to pull the gauge free of the breech face with
trigger pull scale. The trigger pull scale shows exact amount of rim
tension. Clearly shows when your extractor need adjustment for the
proper amount of tension. Double ended design allows two gauges one for
9mm/.38 Super and one for .40S&W/10mm and 45ACP. Set includes both gauges. Brass, 2" long Works for most semi-auto pistols with
exposed extractors and open breech faces.